Student Zone



‘MYTRI’ stands for Mannaniya Youth Transcending and Redefining Identity. This gender Forum started functioning in our institution from the academic year 2018-19 and it aims to question, identify and transform gender inequalities and tries to reconstruct gender identities by challenging gender inequalities, social misconceptions on gender roles and systemic gender based oppressions based on social inequalities and prejudices and pre-judgement. 

The major objectives of MYTRI are to 

  • Change the gender norms

  • Break the Gender Barriers 

  • Attain gender equity & equality 

The forum MYTRI has the motto “together we can” and works with the mission of “attaining gender equity and equality for all”, irrespective of the gender, and works with the solid vision of creating a barrier-free world, where solidarity prevails without any gender discrimination. MYTRI is envisioned as a gender-equity club or platform for the student community which aims to promote, discuss and achieve equality of gender in the campus. It aims to break all gender barriers and create an environment of amity, by mainstreaming gender equity initiatives to ensure gender justice, and strives to institutionalize gender equality goals in the society, by means of community outreach and social networking programmes, initiated through students.  One of the thrust areas of this forum is to garner support from the society, by raising awareness about the importance of gender equity and gender balance, everywhere in the society. The novel gender equity ensuring initiatives endorsed by the Central Government’s MHRD department, such as the ‘Gender Champs’, have been successfully implemented in the campus. The International Men’s Day programme has been celebrated every year, with great enthusiasm by students as it is organised with unique and meaningful activities such as the ‘Most Chivalrous Boy of the Campus Contest’, popular as a signature programme, conducted in such an amusing manner, where boys are scrutinized and judged by girls!