Student Zone



Divyangjan is an association of differently-abled students within this college. The aim of this association is to empower these students to live confidently and courageously. To achieve this goal, our college is actively pursuing a disabled-friendly policy. As part of this initiative, the following facilities are provided for differently-abled students.

Major support provided in our college

• Executive and Technical Support

  • Wheel chairs

  • Rails in the staircase

  • Ramp for easy access to the main building

  • An accessible restroom is designed to accommodate people with physical disabilities.

  • Scribes for exams

  • A scholarship awareness class were been delivered to students

  • Study groups were formed to help these students understand the concepts under study which otherwise they found difficult to grasp within the stipulated class hours, with the help of concerned tutors of respective departments.

  •  The centre frequently conducts counselling programme for providing support to people with disabilities and their parents. 

    • Mental support
  • A meeting for the members of the divyangjan were arranged regularly in the college library to discuss their problems. They were provided examination support by Sri Asseem J. Chief Superintendent of Examination in our college, Scholarship assistance by Dr Shiji Fazil, Hod, Department of Chemistry and in charge of Scholarship Cell in our college and psychological support by Dr Dilshad Bin Ashraf, Assistant Professor of Psychology in our college.

    Member 2022-2023

    • Neethu P B- (Physically Challenged) III BCom

    • Ramseena- (Mentally retarded) III BA

    • Abhishek- (Visually Challenged) II B A

    • Aadil- (Mentally retarded) II BA

    • Shinas- (Mentally retarded) I BA

    • Shifana Mol-M L- (Mentally retarded) I BA

    • Nejitha N V- (Mentally retarded) I BA

    The teachers provided very special care for these students. Neethu of III BCom a talented student, physically challenged her left hand. Ramseena of III BA is a mentally retarded student, she is provided with scribe in writing university examination. These students are regularly called over and hear their problems and advise them accordingly.