For all the courses offered by the institution, the end semester examinations are conducted by the University. The Chief Superintendent of Examination recommended by the College and approved by the university of Kerala, is responsible for conducting the end semester university examinations for all courses. The currently appointed chief superintendent of examinations of the institution (from November 2023 onwards) is Dr. Jasmin J, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Commerce. The university examination consists of theory and practical examinations and the theory examinations are normally of 3-hour duration. The University publishes the notification regarding registration of the examination with the tentative examination dates, one month in advance. The detailed time table of the examinations are published around 10 to 15 days before the examinations in the Kerala university official website. The final nominal roll of the students (list of the registered candidates) who have been successfully registered with the university for the examination will be officially communicated by mail to the college around one week prior to the examination. One the basis of examination time table and the number of students attending the examination, a specific schedule for invigilation duty is prepared by Examination Chief Superintended and assigned to the respective teachers beforehand. The officially assigned invigilators are obliged to perform the invigilation duty as per the schedule, and in compliance with the university rules and regulations regarding examination invigilation.
The Examination hall wise seating arrangement displayed in the Notice Board of the College on each day of the Examination. The examination hall is opened only 20 minutes before commencing the examination and the students are instructed to occupy their seats assigned by the college at least 15 minutes before starting their examination.
Morning session of a three-hour examination has been scheduled from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and the Afternoon examinations have been scheduled from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm on all days except on Friday, which is scheduled between 2 pm to 5 pm. The some of the important instructions to be followed by the candidates are as cited below;
Four Year Under Graduate Programme (FYUGP) has been introduced in all the universities, by the Government of Kerala, from the academic year 2024-25 onwards. The pattern, schemes and timing, has undergone extensive revision from the current academic year onwards (for 2024-25 admission) complying with the NEP vision and to ease the examination burden of the students. The examination system is simplified so as to reduce the drawbacks of current examination system. Timing of examination is set as minimum of 1 hour and maximum of 2 hours which is based on the credit of courses. The assessment shall combine a Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) and an End Semester Evaluation (ESE). 30% weightage shall be given for CCA. The remaining 70% of the weight shall be for the ESE. CCA will have two sub-components- Formative Assessment (FA) and Summative Assessment (SA). Each of these components will have equal weightage and will be conducted by the faculty/ course coordinator handling the course. Continuous evaluation of practical by the teacher-in-charge shall carry a weightage of 40%. The end semester practical examination, viva-voce and evaluation of practical records shall be conducted by the teacher-in-charge and an internal examiner appointed by the Department Council and it constitutes a weightage of 60%.
The Internal Examination initiated in 2010 with the introduction of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).This was the part of a broader mandate introduced by UGC to all Colleges. This serves as a crucial preparatory step for all students aiming to excel in their university exams. This system is coordinated by a dedicated team of faculty members. The exams are designed to stimulate the actual university assessment, providing students with an invaluable opportunity to familiarize them with the exam format and time management. The primary goal of the model exams is to help students achieve high scores in their university papers, identifying the strength and areas for improvement, thereby boosting their confidence and performance in the university examination.
Examination Chief Superintendent (Since November 2023)
Dr. Jasmin J
Assistant Professor,
PG Dept.of Commerce
Internal Examination Superintendent
Noufia S N
Assistant Professor,
PG Dept.of English
Joint Superintendent
Dr Sereena A
Asst Professor
PG Dept of Commerce