About Us

Code of Conduct


The principal of an institution should always be honest, fair, objective, supportive, And Protective and law abiding. Besides, the following traits are expected from the principal.

  • He has toChalk out a policy and plan to execute the vision and mission.
  • Promote industry institution interaction and inculcate research development activities
  • Ensure that the staff and students are aware of rules, policies and procedures laid down by the college and enforce them fittingly.
  • Recommend and forward communication to the authorities.
  • Monitor, manage and educate the administration of the institution and take remedial measures / actions based on the stakeholder’s feedback.
  • Execute any other qualitative and quantitative work for the welfare of the institution.
  • Listen to the student’s ideas and set a supportive tone.
  • Be fair in his disciplinary actions for all the members of faculty. non-teaching staff and students.
  • Empower all his staff and students to reach their maximum potential
  • Carry himself with the highest integrity and he has to exhibit outstanding and strong leadership skills.

Teaching is a noble profession. It shapes the character, caliber and future of an individual. He / She can inspire, hope, ignite them and instill a love of learning among the students. Besides, the teachers have to

  • Uphold the honour and dignity of the teaching profession
  • Provide an innovative and quality education to pupils.
  • Be impartial and discriminative against students.
  • Interact with the students in a friendly manner.
  • Abide by the rules and regulations of the institution.
  • Abide by the procedures to ensure student’s safety.
  • Collaborate with fellow teachers.
  • Be responsible and interact positively with parents and other stakeholders in educating the students.
  • Be good counselors and facilitators.
  • Help, guide, encourage and assist students in their learning.

The following traits are expected from the Non- teaching staff. He/ She must

  • Report to duty at least 30 minutes in advance.
  • Remain on duty during college hours.
  • Adhere strictly to the laws and regulations of the college.
  • Respect and maintain the hierarchy in the administration.
  • Maintain honesty, integrity, fairness in all activities.
  • Exercise self - discipline and restrain at all times and deal positively with staff, students and the general public.
  • Must not divulge official secrets, mutilate, expunge, conceal, alter or forge official documents / receipts.
  • Must not intercept or misappropriate college money.
  • Must not be absent from duty without official approval or approved sick leave.
  • The rules and regulations of the college are framed by the management and the principal in accordance with Government rules and the rulings of the Hon. High Court of Kerala from time to time to ensure a peaceful campus atmosphere. The college community is bound to abide by such rules. The violation of these rules will invoke not only contempt of court but also invite punishment.
  • Politics is banned in the campus by the Management. Students are forbidden to organize or attend meetings other than the official ones. Students resorting to strike are strictly prohibited from entering the verandah of the building, class rooms or the campus.
  • The College Union election is held in the parliamentary mode, recommended in the report of the Lyngdoh Committee
  • Ragging, teasing, intimidating, harassing, using words of abuse etc. on junior students especially female students within the campus or outside is totally banned and is a punishable crime under Police Act and such matters will be immediately reported to the police. Students involved in such acts will be adequately punished.
  • The students are expected to be cleanly and respectably dressed.
  • Students shall always behave with dignity and courtesy and their behavior in the college shall conform to the standards of academic decorum.
  • When a teacher enters the classroom, students must stand up and must not sit until he/she invites them to do so or he himself takes a seat.
  • They should be punctual and disciplined in attending classes and any academic or extracurricular function arranged for them.
  • T
  • hey should avoid ill-mannered noise making behaviour on the college campus.
  • No students shall leave or enter the classroom without the permission of the teacher.
  • Furniture in the classroom should not be dislocated or damaged. All serious and willful damage will be required to pay for with such penalty as may be imposed by the principal.
  • Any disfigurement or damage to college building, water, gas,fire, electrical installations, gardens and premises will be punished and the cost of the damages if any will be recovered.
  • The students are forbidden from writing or making any mark on the furniture or walls or any part of the college premises and from throwing paper or ink in the classroom.
  • Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting in the college or to collect money for any purpose without the prior permission of the principal.
  • Students are strictly forbidden from entering classrooms other than theirs.
  • Any student under suspension is forbidden from entering the college campus.
  • Any student who disrupts class by unauthorized entry into classrooms is liable to be expelled from the college.
  • Students will be expelled from the college for breach of discipline by the Principal in consultation with the College Council and there shall be no appeal to the decision taken by the College Council.
  • The Principal is empowered to fine or suspend or dismiss a student on the basis of the gravity of the offense. Each offender will be given a chance to explain his/her conduct before punishment is given. However a student may be sent out of the class at the discretion of the teacher concerned prior to further disciplinary action.
  • Smoking and using or keeping alcoholic drinks or drugs are strictly forbidden in the college campus.
  • The Principal or duly constituted College authority may frame and issue disciplinary rules of permanent or temporary nature regulating the conduct of students within the campus, from time to time and the students are obliged to obey them.
  • Educational concessions awarded to students are liable to forfeiture for misconduct and the concessions will be withdrawn.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual inattention to class works and obscenity in words or deeds are sufficient reasons for permanent or temporary dismissal of the student.
  • Students and outsiders are not allowed to be present in the campus after 4.30 PM.
  • Students should not crowd in the verandas obstructing passage.
  • Students and outsiders are not permitted to bring vehicles into the campus during class hours. They have to park the vehicle at the allotted places.
  • Carrying and using mobile phones inside the campus is strictly prohibited.
  • Cinematic dance and other forms of performances having vulgar and indecent connotations are banned from performing in the campus.
  • Circulation of notices, use of loudspeakers and putting up posters in the college premises without the written permission of the Principal, are strictly prohibited.
  • No student or office bearer of any association shall give any matter regarding the activities of the college to the press without the permission of the Principal.
  • No office bearer of any association shall mediate between the Principal and the students in the matters concerning discipline.
  • Proper respect should be paid to the staff both inside and outside the classrooms.
  • The decision of the Principal in the matters of discipline shall be final.