Economics & Media

Department Profile

Economics and Media Studies department formed by University of Kerala in 2020 as part of making more career-oriented courses. Attractive part of the course is of course its combination of subjects. This is a dual degree program with a good track record academic and extra-curricular activities. We were successful in accomplishing glorious results throughout the years. The syllabus of the course is framed with the aim to create a group of professionals who have the ability to compete in the world competitions.


Along with academic excellence, we impart social & cultural values to the students. We empower our students to face the current social challenges and we inspire the students to become socially committed, highly motivated and self-reliant citizens who are aware of existing socioeconomic situations and can be the best human resource for the nation.


Both Economic and Media Studies are the dynamic and essential field that plays a very important role in understanding how societies function and make choices. Currently the Department consists of Four faculties (Adhoc). They are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of both of these fields while nurturing the intellectual growth of the students. We are blessed with a  student community with  good academic excellence and co-curricular skills.



Economists are the driving force behind policymaking and economic progress. Pursuing an economics degree equips individuals with the tools needed to understand and impact the economic forces that shape our world, making it a broad and influential field of study. 

Like economics, media is another crucial industry with the chaotic capacity to rewrite the fate of the world and enormous power to distract the world's present and future. People cannot have a social existence without media. As we know there is no social life for the people without media. 

The combination of these subjects makes anyone to an excellent professional. We are on a mission to prepare a group of students in the rural area where the institution is located to investigate specific fields with confidence through seminars, workshops, media house visits, internships, and expert presentations.



The Department of Economics and Media Studies offers a broad outlook. As we all know, money buys power, and the media influences our thinking on a daily basis. We intend to do more than just form a community of professionals. These distinct topic combinations provide a broad and significant possibility for the academic community to foster an economically smart and socially responsible student body





Assistant professor

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Shani S

Assistant Professor on Contract, Dept of Economics and Media Studies

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Lekshmi A Vijayan

Assistant Professor On Contract, Dept of Department of Media Studies

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Archana Balakrishnan

Assistant Professor on Contract, Dept of Economics and Media Studies

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Amjad Bin Sharaf

Guest faculty, Department of Economics and Media Studies

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