

The Mannaniya College of Arts and Science Library is an integral part in accomplishing the academic mission of the college. The Library provides adequate and comfortable physical amenities to support the Teaching Learning activities as well as the Research requirements of the academic community.


The mission of our college library is to support academic excellence of our institution by providing access to diverse resources, supporting innovative research and learning, promoting information literacy, ensuring equitable access to resources and preserving institutional heritage. Through collaboration and the integration of the emerging technologies, we strive to adapt to the evolving needs of our academic community and contribute to their intellectual and personal growth.


The vision of Mannaniya College of Arts and Science Library is to be a leading centre of academic excellence and innovation by providing state-of-the-art resources and fostering an inclusive collaborative environment that empowers the user community to achieve their educational and research goals and holistic development.

About the Library

Mannaniya College of Arts & Science Library was established along with the inception of the college in 1995 and was named as Rai-suk Ulma M Shihabudeen Moulavi Library. The Library provides adequate and comfortable physical amenities to support the Teaching Learning activities as well as the Research requirements of the academic community. Library has been effectively functioning in a well-furnished spacious hall, with an area of 2200 square feet with a seating capacity of 100 users.In order to satisfy the varied academic and extracurricular needs of both students and teaching fraternity, the library provides a large variety of teaching and learning materials. In addition to supporting the new curricular and instructional programs, the library also encourages reading for pleasure, personal growth and sharpening of intellectual curiosity. By providing access to a wide range of information resources and services, MCAS Library is facilitating academic excellence in the institution; serves as a hub of learning , intellectual growth, fostering a love for reading , research and lifelong learning.
The library functions under the adept guidance of an Advisory Committee consisting of nine members and chaired by the principal Prof (Dr) P Nazeer. Its meetings are held promptly in a periodical manner, to review the status or effectiveness and to receive suggestions for improvements,so as to undertake new initiatives, if needed.

Library Services and Facilities:

Library offers following services to its users for effective and scientific use of its resources.

  • Book Lending Service
    • Membership registration
    • Issue /Return/Renewal of Books
    • Collection and Remittance of overdue charges and fine charges
    • Reservation of Book
    • Reminders for overdue books
    • Issue of No dues certificates
  • Reference Services
  • Question paper Archives
  • News Archives
  • Reprography (printing & photocopy) Service
  • Online Document Delivery Service
  • OPAC
  • E- Newspaper Clipping Service
  • Library User Orientation (Library Tour)
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Career Support Service
  • Literature Service for Visually Challenged
  • Research Assistance
  • Open Access
  • Members can be used Online Book Reservation / Renewal facility by whatsapp or E-Mail mcaslibrary2021@gmail.com
Library Staffs

Dr Sofiya A,(B.Sc, BEd, MLISc, NET, PhD)
College Librarian (UGC)

Shabeer. B
Library Assistant
Additional Information