About Us


Our vision is to be a beacon of excellence in higher education, fostering a transformative learning environment that empowers students to reach their full potential. We aspire to cultivate nationally competent, socially responsible, and ethically grounded individuals who contribute to the advancement of society. By embracing inclusivity, innovation, and sustainability, we aim to be a leading institution that inspires and nurtures future leaders, scholars, and change-makers in Kerala and beyond.


  • To provide accessible and affordable higher education to students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds, ensuring inclusivity and equity in educational opportunities.
  • To foster academic excellence through innovative teaching methods, and continuous improvement in teaching-learning practices.
  • To cultivate critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills among students, preparing them to adapt to the demands of a rapidly changing global economy.
  • To promote values of social responsibility, ethical leadership, and civic engagement, instilling a sense of community service and environmental stewardship among students.
  • To empower students with relevant industry-specific skills and competencies through practical training, internships, and industry collaborations, enhancing their employability and entrepreneurship potential.
  • To embrace digital transformation and leverage technology-enabled learning resources to enhance the quality and effectiveness of education delivery.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research and innovation, encouraging faculty and students to undertake meaningful research projects that address societal challenges and contribute to knowledge advancement.
  • To establish strong partnerships with local communities, government agencies, and industry stakeholders to address regional development needs, promote sustainable practices, and foster collaborative initiatives for societal upliftment.

Core values

  • Discipline and determination
  • Team work and hard work
  • Honesty
  • Secularism
  • Receptiveness to learn from others
  • Tolerance and courtesy
  • Empathy
  • Academic excellence
  • Diversity
  • Public mission
  • Ethics and dignity
  • Commitment
  • Respect