
Programme Outcomes (POs)

Programme Outcomes are statements that describe what the student should able to do.

POs - FYUGP University of Kerala

PO-1 Critical thinking

  • Analyze information objectively and make a reasoned judgment
  • Draw reasonable conclusions from a set of information, and discriminate between useful and less useful details to solve problems or make decisions
  • Identify logical flaws in the arguments of others
  • evaluate data, facts, observable phenomena, and research findings to draw valid and relevant results that are domain-specific

PO-2 Complex problem-solving

  • solve different kinds of problems in familiar and no-familiar contexts and apply the learning to real-life situations
  • analyze a problem, generate and implement a solution and to assess the success of the plan
  • understand how the solution will affect both the people involved and the surrounding environment

PO-3 Creativity

  • produce or develop original work, theories and techniques
  • think in multiple ways for making connections between seemingly unrelated concepts or phenomena
  • add a unique perspective or improve existing ideas or solutions
  • generate, develop and express original ideas that are useful or have values

PO-4 Communication skills

  • convey or share ideas or feelings effectively
  • use words in delivering the intended message with utmost clarity
  • engage the audience effectively
  • be a good listener who are able to understand, respond and empathize with the speaker
  • confidently share views and express himself/herself

PO-5 Leadership qualities

  • work effectively and lead respectfully with diverse teams
  • build a team working towards a common goal
  • motivate a group of people and make them achieve the best possible solution.
  • help and support others in their difficult times to tide over the adverse situations with courage

PO-6 Learning 'how to learn' skills

  • acquire new knowledge and skills, including 'learning how to learn skills, that are necessary for pursuing learning activities throughout life, through self-paced and self- directed learning
  • work independently, identify appropriate resources required for further learning
  • acquire organizational skills and time management to set self-defined goals and targets with timelines
  • inculcate a healthy attitude to be a lifelong learner

PO-7 Digital and technological skills

  • use ICT in a variety of learning and work situations, access, evaluate, and use a variety of relevant information sources
  • use appropriate software for analysis of data
  • understand the pitfalls in the digital world and keep safe from them

PO-8 Value inculcation

  • embrace and practice constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values in life including universal human values of truth, righteous conduct, peace, love, nonviolence, scientific temper, citizenship values
  • formulate a position/argument about an ethical issue from multiple perspectives
  • identify ethical issues related to work, and follow ethical practices, including avoiding unethical behaviour such as fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of data, or committing plagiarism, and adhering to intellectual property rights
  • adopt objective, unbiased, and truthful actions in all aspects of work